Sunday, August 06, 2006

Life in Sydney

Okay, it has been forever since we have entered anything in on our blog. Sorry Vicky! Anywhoo...check some updates on There are some good stories about what has gone on here in the past few weeks that Matt and I have written. Since we last blogged we have moved all of our stuff into the pink house in Sydney, driven back down to Brown's Flat, NB to go to Beulah camp for two weeks, driven back up to Sydney via Ged and Betty's place, and lived in chaos desparately getting our stuff unpacked, settled, and find work. Tammy had an interview at Reitman's last week (she'd really like to work there bc/ you get half off on their clothes) and worked a temp job as cashier at a craft fair at the arena in town.

We have met many people: close neighbors, people in the parks, people at the laundromat, people at Tim Horton's, people at Home Depot, around the town and the street how many, many, feet you meet (people that is). It is going well and we are totally encouraged. Catherine, Laura, and Graham are having a ball. There are many kids that they play with: Travis, Dawson, Vincent, and Sydney are the main ones. The kids also have their cousins nearby! Just yesterday Erica Stonehouse came over with Ged and Betty all day. Catherine and Laura especially were in heaven! They played so hard yesterday that they were in their jamies by 5:30pm yesterday. Me too!

So, things are good in Sydney. We are confindent in God's calling to this place. It has a great deal of need. The church is not a strong body/influence here and the youth are slipping through the cracks of society. Sadly, there was a rape that occurred just half a block down the street on the railroad tracks at 3:30am on Thursday morning. The night before a man walked down our street wielding a sword. Needless to say we keep the doors locked at night, yet, see great opportunity here for serving Jesus. Keep us in your prayers.

The Huthouse5


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