Saturday, April 01, 2006

Modern Day Monastics

I am feeling a call to reach out to the world through the means of prayer inspired mission. I believe that God is calling us to become a holistic community concerned about the body, mind, and soul of all people in our area of influence. I dunno exactly what it will look like when we get to Sydney, but I believe that it will flow all through the week and be a lifestyle rather than a Sunday to Sunday experience once a week. I crave building a group that worships, prays, and does missions together in the very neighborhoods of its existence. I desire to do life together 24/7/365 with students, teens, single moms, men, the homeless, etc... I believe that this dream must come true. I am praying for clarity in the area of our beginnings. I want to see a vivid picture of where we are going physically and spiritually with the people of Sydney....MORE LATER.


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